The most common type of poker game that most of the people know will probably be the Texas Hold’em. This is definitely the most popular poker game at the moment compared to other type of poker, but do you know there are also several type of poker games as well that is being played? Other poker card games that are available are Omaha High, Omaha Hi/Low, Razz, 7 Card Stud and 5 Car Draw.
Before we go into these different types of poker card games, let see the basic one: How to play Poker – Texas Hold’em. Texas Poker is the main poker games that being played in most of the movie all the time.
Basic Card Rules for Holdem Poker Game:
2 Hole Cards
In each round of Texas Holdem Poker games, 2 cards, known as hole cards are given out to each of the player, dealt facing down. Only the player himself will know the cards they are holding.
5 Community Cards
5 community cards are being shared by all players, is then placed in the middle of table and are dealt facing up in 3 stages:
- 1st stage – The Flop: 3 cards dealt facing up.
- 2nd stage – The Turn/ Fourth Street: An additional single card is dealt facing up.
- 3rd stage – The River/ Fifth Street: 1 final card dealt facing up.
At each of the stage, players have the betting options to either:

- Check: Agree to proceed without raising bets,
- Call: Matching the bet amount that has been raised by previous player to continue,
- Raise: Increase the bet, or
- Fold: Give up on the round

How Betting in Poker Game Works – The Blinds
Before you start the game, it is important to know how betting works in a poker game so that you do not place your bet or fold your card easily because any of it will cause you great amount of losses. Unlike other casino games, the excitement in poker game is that the bet is increase continuously until the end of each round and the money you can win is not fixed, based on the bets. It can go high where 1 round of winning or losing in a Texas Poker is probably a few times higher than baccarat or roulette.
On the casino table, one of the familiar words you will see must be “Ante”.
In some variety of poker games, player has to place a bet called “Ante” where it is an additional bet serves as a wager to play. If the player chose to “Fold”, the ante is lost and the player’s game is over. If a player chose to “Call”, a bet needed to be placed in order to continue the game.
In Texas Hold’em Poker, it is usually played with a rotating blind system. The 2 players infront of the dealer button must make forced bet, called the blinds. These blinds are mandatory bet which stimulates betting as it generates money into the pot. In a casino poker card room, either online or offline, a dealer button rotates around the table when a professional dealer is present. The player with the dealer button places the small blind where the player to the left of it places big blind. The blinds rotate to another player at each new round of Holdem Poker. This means, you are not required to place the blinds every round but only to place a blind bet if the blind rotated to you.
Big Blind
Minimum bet at the poker table that player is playing.
Small Blind
Half the amount of big blind.
Let’s use an example to let you understand easier on the poker blinds:
The blinds for a $10/$20 limit Holdem Poker Game is as below.
- Big Blind = $10;
- Small Blind = $5
Assume if there are 1 or more players that calls for the minimum $10 bet:
- the player with small blind can call for only $5 more to continue the game, or to raise the bet to $20 by placing extra $15.
- the player with big blind can continue to next round without placing additional money since he has already placed a big blind of $10, which is equal to the bet of others now or he may raise to $20.
*In a Limit Holdem Poker, the bet sizes are pre-determined, which means player could not bet more than the sizes.
How to Win Holdem Poker Game:
A player wins by seeking the best 5 poker cards combination, from any of the 7 cards (2 Hole cards + 5 Community Cards). The player that has the best hand of poker combination and has not folded till the end of the betting rounds win all the bets.
What combination in Poker Games has the highest values? (increasing order)
- Highcard – 1 single card that has the highest simple value.
- Pair – 2 cards with same value.
- Two Pairs – 2 sets of Pair.
- Three of a Kind – 3 cards with same value.
- Straight – 5 cards arrange in sequence in increasing value.
- Flush – 5 cards combination that has the same suit.
- Full House – Combination of 3 of a kind and 1 pair.
- Four of a Kind – 4 cards with same value.
- Straight Flush – Straight that is in same suit.
- Royal Flush – Straight flush where the card value is from 10 to Ace.
Holdem Poker Game is probably the most challenging type of casino games as it involves a lot of strategies and required high level of attention. The amount of betting can go few times higher than the original bets is what create the excitement. Understand the gameplay and rules of Holdem Poker before you decide to bet big!